
VALNES stands for independence and expertise. We achieve individual high-quality results for our customers by applying our recognised specialisation in valuation and business analysis.


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Current information!

VALNES Corporate Finance GmbH is in liquidation since May 1st, 2023.

You can contact the experts of Valnes from now on at FTI Consulting Germany


Michael Graser regularly holds M&A "Company Acquisition" courses at the Beck Academy, on the specialist topic: "Company Valuation - Methods, Purchase Price Clauses, M&A Litigation". If you are interested, simply follow the link.

In the Licensing Executive Society's module series, Dr Anke Nestler will speak on the topic of "Valuation of IP and licences" on 29 September 2023 in Munich. This is an event of the LES, which is also open to non-members: click here to register.



Our latest Bewertung Kompakt (Valuation Compact) on the topic of "Value-based IP management - Increase of the company value" was published in November 2022.

In international cooperation with the Licensing Executive Society (LES) and with the contribution of Anke Nestler, the article "How does Data create Economic Value? Foundations for Valuation Models" was published in September 2022 (in: Les Nouvelles).



Wertorientiertes IP-Management

Our client magazine VALNES Bewertung Kompakt on ..

How Does Data Create Economic Value - Foundations For Valuation Models

In international cooperation with the Licensing ..